The following sentence is in what tense?

Laura has given donations to the local food bank.

A. Present

B. Present perfect

C. Past perfect

D. Past

i think the answer is b is this correct?

B. is the correct answer.

since has given is referring to an event that has already occurred, i would say D.

also, i find it extremely amusing that your subject is practical english and spelled wrong XD

okay i get on here to get help not be talked trash if i wanted that i would of went to topix. jerk !!!

D. is not correct.

This sentence uses a helping verb, "has."

Study this site.

Which do you think is the answer?

By the way -- I agree with Cody. You should be able to spell Practical English with correct capitalization.

oh don't misunderstand, i wasn't making fun of you. i have made more typos than i can count. i just thought the fact that the phrase "practical english" was misspelled was ironic. i meant no offense to you personally, merely finding the situation humorous.

apparently i don't know my english either XD

in my opinion, the english language is too complicated for its own good

haha thanks for trying cody and sorry i jumped at you i took it the wrong way.