whats the one thing all the characters want in devil in a blue dress?

In the novel "Devil in a Blue Dress" by Walter Mosley, the characters have various desires and motivations. However, there isn't one specific thing that all the characters want throughout the story. Each character has their own individual goals and aspirations, which contribute to the complex plot of the novel.

To determine the desires of the characters in "Devil in a Blue Dress," it is necessary to analyze their individual storylines and motivations. You can start by identifying the key characters in the novel, such as Easy Rawlins (the protagonist), Dupree Brouchard, Daphne Monet, Mouse Alexander, and Joppy. Then, consider their intentions, conflicts, and actions throughout the story.

For instance, Easy Rawlins is primarily driven by a need for money and security. He becomes entangled in a web of dangerous situations, using his detective skills to navigate the treacherous world around him. Meanwhile, other characters may be motivated by power, survival, revenge, or personal gain.

By thoroughly examining the various characters and their individual desires within "Devil in a Blue Dress," you can gain a deeper understanding of the complex web of motivations and conflicts that drive the events of the novel.