Which of the following statements concerning the Twenty-fifth Amendment is incorrect?

a. It allows the vice president to serve as acting president in the case of presidential disability.

b. It allows the vice president alone to declare the president disabled.

c. It requires the vice president in charge to name a new vice president.

d. The new vice president must be confirmed by a majority in Congress.

e. None of the above.

I think it is C but not 100% sure

To determine which statement concerning the Twenty-fifth Amendment is incorrect, we can analyze each statement and check if it aligns with the amendment.

a. The statement that the Twenty-fifth Amendment allows the vice president to serve as acting president in the case of presidential disability is correct. This provision is outlined in Section 3 of the amendment, allowing the vice president to temporarily assume the powers and duties of the presidency.

b. The statement that the Twenty-fifth Amendment allows the vice president alone to declare the president disabled is incorrect. The amendment specifies that the vice president, along with a majority of the cabinet or another body as created by Congress, must transmit a written declaration to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, declaring the president's disability.

c. The statement that the Twenty-fifth Amendment requires the vice president in charge to name a new vice president is correct. This provision is stated in Section 2 of the amendment, indicating that the vice president will become president if the presidency becomes vacant, and then they will nominate a new vice president.

d. The statement that the new vice president must be confirmed by a majority in Congress is incorrect. According to the amendment in Section 2, the nominated vice president must be confirmed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate, by a majority vote in each chamber.

Based on this analysis, statement (d) is incorrect. The correct answer should be (d), not (c). Therefore, the correct choice is d.


Read carefully.