what are some background information on the Aeniad and society at the time of its popularity



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The Aeneid is an ancient Roman epic poem written by the poet Virgil during the reign of Augustus Caesar, around 20 BCE. The poem tells the legendary story of Aeneas, a Trojan hero who travels to Italy and becomes the ancestor of the Romans.

To gather background information on the Aeneid and the society during its popularity, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the author, Virgil: Learn about his life, influences, and his role in Roman society. Virgil was considered one of the greatest Roman poets and had close connections to Augustus Caesar.

2. Study the historical context: Understand the political and social climate of ancient Rome during the reign of Augustus Caesar. This period is known as the Augustan Age, characterized by relative peace and stability after a long period of civil wars.

3. Explore the mythology: The Aeneid is deeply rooted in mythology. Familiarize yourself with the ancient Greek and Roman myths, particularly those involving the Trojan War, as the Aeneid is an extension of the events following the Trojan War.

4. Analyze the Roman society and values reflected in the Aeneid: The poem reflects the values and ideals of Roman society, such as loyalty, duty, patriotism, and the pursuit of virtue. It portrays virtues like pietas (piety), which encompassed loyalty to the gods, family, and country.

5. Investigate the role of the Aeneid in Roman society: Examine how the Aeneid impacted the Roman culture, literature, and collective consciousness. It was seen as a national epic and tied the mythological origins of Rome to the prestigious Greek civilization.

6. Consult scholarly sources: To delve deeper into the specific historical and cultural aspects, consult academic articles, books, or references on the Aeneid and the society during its popularity. Look for reputable sources such as historical or literary analyses, primary texts, or critical commentaries.

By following these steps and gathering information from reliable sources, you will gain a better understanding of the Aeneid and the society in which it gained popularity.