one half the distance from boston to new york minus 25

0.5d - 25

To find the answer to this question, you need to determine the distance from Boston to New York and then calculate half of that distance. Finally, subtract 25 from the result.

1. Find the distance from Boston to New York:
You can use a mapping service or an online distance calculator to determine the distance between the two cities. Let's assume the distance is 250 miles.

2. Calculate half of the distance:
Divide the distance you found (250 miles) by 2. This will give you half the distance: 250 / 2 = 125 miles.

3. Subtract 25 from half the distance:
Take the result from step 2 (125 miles) and subtract 25 from it: 125 - 25 = 100 miles.

Therefore, one half the distance from Boston to New York minus 25 is 100 miles.


One half the distance from Boston to New York minus 25