Need help with this question I can get it. Bayside insurance offers two health plans, under A Giselle would pay the first $50 of her medical bills plus 35% of the rest. Under planb Giselle would $180 in bills. Giselle would save with plan B if she had more then $ in bils.

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Need help with this question I can get it. Bayside insurance offers two health plans, under A Giselle would pay the first $50 of her medical bills plus 35% of the rest. Under plan b Giselle would pay $180 in bills. Giselle would save with plan B if she had more then $ in bills.

This is the way the question is wrote . were the dollar sign is suppose to be the amount but I can't figure it out.

To solve this problem, we need to set up an equation to compare the costs of the two health plans. Let's denote the amount of Giselle's medical bills as "x".

Under Plan A, Giselle would pay the first $50 of her medical bills, plus 35% of the rest. So, the cost under Plan A would be $50 + 35% of (x - $50).

Under Plan B, Giselle would pay a fixed amount of $180 in bills, regardless of the total amount.

We need to find the value of x where Giselle would save with Plan B. In other words, we need to find the point where the cost under Plan B is less than the cost under Plan A.

So, we can set up an equation:

$180 < $50 + 35% of (x - $50)

Now, let's solve the equation step by step:

1. Convert the percentage to a decimal: 35% = 0.35
2. Distribute 0.35 to the expression (x - $50): $180 < $50 + 0.35x - $17.50
3. Combine like terms: $180 - $50 + $17.50 < 0.35x
4. Simplify the terms on the left side of the inequality: $147.50 < 0.35x
5. Divide both sides of the inequality by 0.35 to solve for x: $147.50 / 0.35 < x
6. Evaluate the right side of the inequality: $421.43 < x

So, Giselle would save with Plan B if her medical bills were more than $421.43.