I'm like 90% sure the answer is B, am I correct?

An individual with the genotype Aa mates with an individual with the genotype AA. Which of the following is true?
A) These two individuals will have four offspring.
B) Half of the offspring will be Aa.
C) Twenty-five percent of the offspring will be aa.
D) both A and B

How do you know they will have four offspring. Why not 6 or 8 or 1? Is there anything in the genotype that dictates the number of offspring?

I just thought it would be 4 because when you do the punnett square i get AA vs Aa and you get 2 AA'S and 2 Aa's so that would be 4 but I guess not. So would it just be choice B instead? Thank you

Would it be choice b instead?

To determine if the answer is B, let's go through the problem step by step.

We are told that one individual has the genotype Aa and the other individual has the genotype AA. From this information, we need to determine the possible genotypes of their offspring.

In this case, the Aa individual has one allele for the dominant trait (A) and one allele for the recessive trait (a). The AA individual has two alleles for the dominant trait (A).

When these two individuals reproduce, each parent can contribute only one allele to each offspring. So, the possible combinations of alleles that the offspring can inherit are:

- Offspring 1: A (from AA) + a (from Aa)
- Offspring 2: A (from AA) + a (from Aa)
- Offspring 3: A (from AA) + A (from Aa)
- Offspring 4: A (from AA) + A (from Aa)

From this, we can see that only two of the four offspring will have the Aa genotype. Therefore, the correct answer is B) Half of the offspring will be Aa.

I meant to say D, because all the answers but C appear to be correct.