Which of the following quantum numbers describes the shape of an orbital?

A) principle quantum number (n)
B) magnetic quantum number (ml)
C) spin quantum number (ms)
D) Schrodinger quantum number (S)
E) (azithmal) angular momentum quantum number (l)

Which one of the quantum numbers describes shape of an orbital?

Principal quantum number
Azimuthal quantum number
Magnetic quantum number
Spin quantum number

The correct quantum number that describes the shape of an orbital is the (azithmal) angular momentum quantum number (l).

Therefore, the correct choice is E) (azithmal) angular momentum quantum number (l).

The quantum number that describes the shape of an orbital is the (azimuthal) angular momentum quantum number (l).

To determine the answer, we need to understand the properties of each quantum number:

- The principle quantum number (n) determines the energy level or size of the orbital.
- The magnetic quantum number (ml) defines the orientation of the orbital in space.
- The spin quantum number (ms) describes the direction of the electron's spin.
- The Schrodinger quantum number (S) is not a recognized quantum number in this context.

The angular momentum quantum number (l) is related to the shape of an atomic orbital. It specifies the subshell within a given energy level where the electron is located. The values of l range from 0 to (n-1). Each value of l corresponds to a specific orbital shape, such as s, p, d, or f orbitals.

Therefore, the correct answer is option E) (azimuthal) angular momentum quantum number (l).

The azimuthal quantum number.