Please help me arrange these elements in decreasing order of metallic property. I, Mg, Al, Rb, Ca

Thank You

Going from left to right in the periodic table decreases metallic character. Going from top to bottom in the periodic table increases metallic character.


How about from top to bottom?

To arrange these elements in decreasing order of metallic property, we need to consider their positions in the periodic table.

Metallic property generally decreases from left to right across a period and increases down a group in the periodic table.

The given elements are:
Iodine (I) - nonmetal
Magnesium (Mg) - metal
Aluminum (Al) - metal
Rubidium (Rb) - metal
Calcium (Ca) - metal

Based on their positions in the periodic table, we can arrange them in decreasing order of metallic property as follows:

Rb > Ca > Mg > Al > I