input output

12 10
? 16
32 ?
62 35
70 39
86 ?

what's my rule?

Take the input , divide it by 2 and then add 4.

( 12 / 2 ) + 4 = 6 + 4 = 10

( ? / 2 ) + 4 = 16 Mulitiply both sides with 2

? + 8 = 32

? = 32 - 8 = 24

( 32 / 2 ) + 4 = 16 + 4 = 20

( 62 / 2 ) + 4 = 31 + 4 = 35

( 70 / 2 ) + 4 = 35 + 4 = 39

( 86 / 2 ) + 4 = 43 + 4 = 47

So, the rule is :

Take the input , divide it by 2 and then add 4.

Inut Output:

12 10

24 16

32 20

62 35

70 39

86 47

To determine the rule behind the input-output pattern, let's analyze the given examples:

- When the input is 12, the output is 10.
- When the input is 62, the output is 35.

From the first example, we can see that when the input increases by 1 (from 11 to 12), the output decreases by 2 (from 12 to 10). This indicates a rule of subtracting 2 from the input.

However, this rule doesn't hold for all examples. The second example does not follow the same pattern. When the input increases from 61 to 62, the output decreases from 37 to 35. Subtracting 2 from the input does not produce the output as seen in this case.

Let's examine another example:

- When the input is 70, the output is 39.

Now, when the input increases from 61 to 62, the output increases from 35 to 39. Subtracting 2 from the input is not valid here.

By looking at the given examples, we can observe the following pattern:

- The output is obtained by adding 3 to the leftmost digit of the input and subtracting 1 from the rightmost digit of the input.

Applying this pattern to the remaining examples:

- When the input is 32, adding 3 to the leftmost digit (3) gives 6, and subtracting 1 from the rightmost digit (2) gives 1. Thus, the output should be 61.
- When the input is 70, adding 3 to the leftmost digit (7) gives 10, and subtracting 1 from the rightmost digit (0) gives -1. Thus, the output should be -1.

Therefore, the rule to determine the output is: Add 3 to the leftmost digit of the input and subtract 1 from the rightmost digit of the input.