Please chech for any errors and let me know if I need to change please correct it for me.

Obesity is one of the major causes of health problems in the United States. According to Charles Schmidt, obesity is starting to catch up with smoking, which is causing illness and death (706). Research has been done about this topic for many years. It is more common in the United States because of all the different fast food restaurants. Among the states in the United States, 22 of those states were found to be obese in 2006. Mississippi and West Virginia were the leading for obesity (Green 33). Often, people do not take this health issue as seriously as they should. Obesity can occur in the early stage of one’s life and get worse over time. Some people think that it is caused by just eating junk food, but it can also be lack of exercise, and many other factors as well. As adults, we should watch what our children eat and make sure that they partake in some type of exercise each day. Sitting in front of the television playing video games or just walking through the house is not considered exercising. Obesity can be caused by overeating, genes, and stress.
First, overeating is the major problem in obesity. People do not watch the different calories and protein that they intake on a daily basis. Each day the body requires a certain amount of food, according to the Food Pyramid developed by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). A lot of times, we eat things just because it is in our presence. One has to take control of his or her mind and tell it when enough is enough. Sometimes, it just seems like we cannot get full, but as older people sometimes say, “Your eyes are bigger than your belly.”
Also, obesity is not always caused by overeating, but it can be a hereditary issue. Most of the time if both parents are obese then the child or children will be obese as well. A reason is that the parents have not formed an eating and lifestyle habit. Some families struggle day to day trying to find ways to prevent this problem among their children and themselves. “Just because your whole family is overweight does not mean that is your destiny. We all can change the expression of our genes by involving our physical environment as well as our cellular environment via diet and lifestyle choices’’ (Jillian Michaels 26).
Next, we tend to let stress overtake us. Many people do not know exactly how to handle stress. Often, people that stress, lose sleep, exercise less, and drink a lot of alcohol, all which can promote obesity (“Stress and Overeating” 6). Of course there is good stress and bad stress. Bad stress is not good for the body because overtime you will find yourself gaining excess weight when you could have prevented it. Some people tend to eat when they get frustrated or things seem to overwhelm them. However, this is not a good idea because you are not doing anything but causing different health problems to occur in your body. Some of the problems could be high blood pressure, shortness of breath, diabetes, and arthritis.
Obesity is continuing to grow day by day. However, we need to discipline ourselves so that we can lower the percentage of obesity among children and adults. This has to be a goal that one must be willing to do. The key thing is to start by forming a group that will motivate him or her to lose weight. (Raj and Kumar 602). There are many other things we can do to help make us healthier and less worried about whether we will be able to see tomorrow or not. Overeating, genes, and stress have caused obesity for so many years, but we can take a stand and change it now.

"of those states were found to be obese in 2006." = actually the states are not obese; it's the people in the states

"it can be a hereditary issue." = is that "a" or "an?"

"overtime" not one word, but "over time"


Ok Sra were those the only errors that you founded?

Yes, as far as I know.


Here are some suggested corrections to your text:

Obesity is one of the major causes of health problems in the United States. According to Charles Schmidt, obesity is starting to catch up with smoking as a leading cause of illness and death (Schmidt 706). Research has been conducted on this topic for many years. It is particularly prevalent in the United States due to the abundance of fast food restaurants. In 2006, 22 states in the United States were found to have high obesity rates, with Mississippi and West Virginia leading the way (Green 33). Unfortunately, many people do not take this health issue as seriously as they should. Obesity can start in early life and worsen over time. While some may think it is solely caused by consuming junk food, it can also be attributed to factors such as lack of exercise and genetics. As adults, it is important to monitor what our children eat and ensure they engage in regular physical activity. Sitting in front of the television playing video games or simply walking around the house is not considered exercise. Obesity can be caused by overeating, genetic factors, and stress.

First, overeating is a major contributing factor to obesity. Many people do not monitor their daily caloric and protein intake. The body requires a certain amount of food each day, according to the Food Pyramid developed by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). Often, we consume food simply because it is accessible. It is important to have self-control and know when enough is enough. Sometimes, it may feel like we can't get full, but as the old saying goes, "Your eyes are bigger than your belly."

Furthermore, obesity is not always caused by overeating alone; it can also be influenced by genetics. If both parents are obese, there is a higher likelihood that their children will also be obese. This is because unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits are often passed down through generations. However, it is crucial to note that being born into an overweight family does not mean it is a person's destiny. We can change the expression of our genes by altering our physical and cellular environments through diet and lifestyle choices (Michaels 26).

Additionally, stress can play a significant role in obesity. Many people do not know how to effectively manage stress. Stress often leads to sleep loss, reduced physical activity, and excessive alcohol consumption, all of which can promote weight gain ("Stress and Overeating" 6). While there is good stress and bad stress, the latter is harmful to the body and can lead to weight gain if not properly managed. Some individuals cope with stress by turning to food, which is not a healthy solution and can lead to various health issues such as high blood pressure, shortness of breath, diabetes, and arthritis.

Obesity rates continue to rise, which is why it is crucial for us to take action and lower the percentage of obesity among children and adults. This is a goal that requires commitment. One effective strategy is to form a support group that motivates individuals to lose weight (Raj and Kumar 602). There are many other steps we can take to improve our health and reduce concerns about our future well-being. Overeating, genetic factors, and stress have contributed to obesity for many years, but we can choose to make a difference now.