solve. -0.8<-40

my answer is x greater than or equal to 5?

there is no x in your inequality

its suppose to be -0.8x< -40


0.8 x > 40 change direction of arrow when multiplying by -1

x > 40/0.8
x > 50 You blew the decimal point

To solve the inequality -0.8 < -40, you need to isolate the variable x.

Let's start by adding 0.8 to both sides of the inequality:
-0.8 + 0.8 < -40 + 0.8

Simplifying, we get:
0 < -39.2

Since 0 is always greater than any negative number, this inequality is always true, regardless of the value of x. Therefore, any value of x would satisfy this inequality.

Your answer, x ≥ 5, is not correct because it does not capture all possible solutions.