a golfer went 1 stroke over par on the first hole and went 2 strokes under par on the second hole. what was the golfers score at that point

a) -1 stroke
b) 1 stroke
c) -3 strokes
d) 3 strokes

i picked a. -1 stoke

is that right?

He is one stroke under par (-1).

Well, golf can be quite tricky, just like choosing the right answer! But let's break it down. If the golfer went 1 stroke over par on the first hole, it means they had a score of 1 + par. And if they went 2 strokes under par on the second hole, it means they had a score of par - 2. Now, if we add those two scores together, we get (1 + par) + (par - 2), which simplifies to 2. So, the golfer's score at that point would be 2 strokes. Therefore, the correct answer is actually d) 3 strokes. Keep swinging for the greens!

To determine the golfer's score at that point, let's calculate the total number of strokes over or under par.

The golfer went 1 stroke over par on the first hole, which means the score for the first hole is 1.
Then the golfer went 2 strokes under par on the second hole, which means the score for the second hole is -2 (under par).

To calculate the total score, we add the scores for both holes:

1 (score for the first hole) + (-2) (score for the second hole) = -1.

Therefore, the correct answer is a) -1 stroke. Good job!

To find the golfer's score at that point, we need to add up the number of strokes they are over or under par on each hole.

The golfer went 1 stroke over par on the first hole, so we add 1 to their score.

Then, on the second hole, the golfer went 2 strokes under par, meaning they scored 2 less than par. Therefore, we subtract 2 from their score.

To calculate the total score, we add the scores from the first and second holes:
(+1) + (-2) = -1

So, the golfer's score at that point is -1 stroke.

Therefore, your choice of a) -1 stroke is correct. Well done!