given 100,90,80,75,70,60,30,25,5,4 what score corresponds to the 70th percentile?

Put in order of value from lowest to highest. 70th percentile means 70% of the scores are ≤ that score. 70% of 10 scores = 7th score.

To find the score corresponding to the 70th percentile, you first need to arrange the given scores in ascending order:

4, 5, 25, 30, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 100

Next, calculate the rank of the 70th percentile. There are two methods to calculate rank:

1. Nearest Rank Method: In this method, you calculate the rank directly using the formula:

Rank = (p/100) * (N + 1)

Where p is the percentile (70 in this case) and N is the total number of scores.

Rank = (70/100) * (10 + 1)
= 0.7 * 11
= 7.7 (round it up to the nearest whole number)

2. Percentile Formula: In this method, you calculate the rank using the formula:

Rank = (p/100) * N

Where p is the percentile (70 in this case), and N is the total number of scores. Then, round up the rank to the nearest whole number.

Rank = (70/100) * 10
= 0.7 * 10
= 7 (round it up to the nearest whole number)

Since we have an integer rank in both methods, the answer is the 7th value in the sorted list:

4, 5, 25, 30, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 100

So, the score corresponding to the 70th percentile is 75.