2x -4y = 8 find the real number for x and y

There is an infinite number of solutions for x and y

One of them is:
x = 4, y = 0, another is
x = 2, y = -1

Solving system of equations by graphiing


To find the real values of x and y that satisfy the equation 2x - 4y = 8, we need to solve the equation by isolating one variable in terms of the other.

Step 1: Start with the given equation:
2x - 4y = 8

Step 2: Simplify the equation if possible. In this case, the equation is already simplified.

Step 3: Let's isolate one variable in terms of the other. It is often easier to isolate x or y, depending on which one you prefer to solve for. In this example, let's solve for x.

To isolate x, we need to move the -4y term to the other side of the equation by adding 4y to both sides:
2x - 4y + 4y = 8 + 4y
2x = 8 + 4y

Step 4: Simplify the equation:
2x = 8 + 4y

Step 5: Divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for x:
(2x) / 2 = (8 + 4y) / 2
x = 4 + 2y

So, the equation 2x - 4y = 8 can be rewritten as x = 4 + 2y, meaning that any real value of y plugged into this equation will give you the corresponding real value of x.