what are three things that theodore roosevelt feared? what are three thing that theodore roosevelt would like to do?


Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, had various fears and aspirations during his lifetime. Let's start with his fears:

1. Monopolies and Wealth Concentration: Roosevelt was concerned about the rapid growth of large corporations and the resulting concentration of wealth within a small number of hands. He feared that this would undermine economic fairness and create an imbalance of power.

2. Foreign Influence and Colonialism: Roosevelt had misgivings about foreign powers attempting to exert control and influence over other nations, particularly in the Americas. He feared the potential negative consequences of imperialism and colonization.

3. Social and Economic Inequality: Roosevelt was deeply troubled by the social and economic disparities prevalent in American society. He feared that such inequality would lead to increased social unrest and hinder the progress of the nation.

Now, let's move on to three things that Theodore Roosevelt wanted to do:

1. Conservation and Environmental Protection: Roosevelt was passionate about preserving the natural beauty of the United States. He aimed to protect vast areas of land through the creation of national parks, monuments, and forests. His efforts helped to establish five national parks and numerous wildlife reserves.

2. Trust-Busting and Regulation: Roosevelt believed in the need to regulate big businesses and combat monopolies. He advocated for antitrust legislation and initiated legal actions against corporations deemed to have unfair business practices. This approach aimed to foster fair competition and prevent the abuse of power.

3. Foreign Policy and Diplomacy: Roosevelt pursued an active and assertive foreign policy. He sought to expand American influence globally while promoting peace. He played a crucial role in mediating and resolving conflicts, such as the Russo-Japanese War, for which he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906.

To find out more about Theodore Roosevelt's fears and aspirations, you can refer to historical records, biographies, and writings by or about him.