How can estimating help you add two-digit numbers?

If you estimate to the nearest 5 or 10 it is easier to add.


They can help you by adding the numbers and subtract

Estimating can help you add two-digit numbers by giving you a rough idea of what the sum might be. Here's how you can use estimation to add two-digit numbers:

1. Round the numbers: Round each two-digit number to the nearest ten. For example, if you have 56 and 38, round them to 60 and 40, respectively.

2. Add the rounded numbers: Add the rounded numbers together. In our example, 60 + 40 = 100.

3. Adjust the sum: Note the difference between the rounded numbers and the original numbers. For example, the difference between 60 and 56 is 4, and the difference between 40 and 38 is 2.

4. Add the differences: Add the differences from step 3 to the sum from step 2. In our example, 100 + (4 + 2) = 106.

By estimating the sum of the two-digit numbers, you get an approximate idea of what the actual sum might be. This estimation can be helpful when you quickly need to evaluate the reasonableness of your answer or when you want to do a mental calculation.