I had to write sentencesabout an ache in a certain body part with indirect pronoun . There were pictures provided and the first part of the sentence like "A mi amigo" and we had to fill in the restCould you check, please

1. pain in head
A nosotros les duele la cabeza.

2.pain in elbow
A mi amigo le duel el codo.
3. pain in neck-I'm not sure
A mis padres les duele ??
4. docotr looking down the throat of patient
A mi profesor le duele la garganta.
5. patient reclining and dentist doing something to the mouth
A ti te los dientes.

ok you don't have to put A in front of everything or at least that is what i was taught as for the other words i'm not entirly sure.

1 A nosotros nos duele la cabeza.

2 A mi amigo le duele el codo.
3 (very close, neck= cuello, then complete it)
4 Who is the patient, your teacher?
Try it.
5 El dentista le está revisando los dientes.

If you always number your items, it's far easier to respond.


1. pain in head

A nosotros nos duele la cabeza.
Explanation: To express pain in the head, the correct sentence would be "A nosotros nos duele la cabeza." In this sentence, "nosotros" is the indirect pronoun referring to "we." The verb form "duele" agrees with the pronoun, and "la cabeza" means "the head."

2. pain in elbow
A mi amigo le duele el codo.
Explanation: To express pain in the elbow for your friend, the correct sentence would be "A mi amigo le duele el codo." In this sentence, "mi amigo" is the indirect object pronoun referring to "my friend." The verb form "duele" agrees with the pronoun, and "el codo" means "the elbow."

3. pain in neck
A mis padres les duele el cuello.
Explanation: To express pain in the neck for your parents, the correct sentence would be "A mis padres les duele el cuello." In this sentence, "mis padres" is the indirect object pronoun referring to "my parents." The verb form "duele" agrees with the pronoun, and "el cuello" means "the neck."

4. doctor looking down the throat of patient
A mi profesor le duele la garganta.
Explanation: To describe a scenario of a doctor looking down the patient's throat, the correct sentence would be "A mi profesor le duele la garganta." In this sentence, "mi profesor" is the indirect object pronoun referring to "my professor." The verb form "duele" agrees with the pronoun, and "la garganta" means "the throat."

5. patient reclining and dentist doing something to the mouth
A ti te revisan los dientes.
Explanation: To describe a scenario of a patient reclining and the dentist doing something to their mouth, the correct sentence would be "A ti te revisan los dientes." In this sentence, "ti" is the indirect object pronoun referring to "you." The verb form "revisan" agrees with the pronoun, and "los dientes" means "the teeth."