tan(2theta-34degrees)=squareroot3, theta range{real numbers of degrees}

tan(2θ-34) = √3

means that 2θ-34 = 180k + 60 for any integer k

θ = (90k + 47)°



Do I need to add +360n?

To solve the equation tan(2theta - 34 degrees) = √3 for theta, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Transform the equation
We need to isolate theta, so let's work towards that by transforming the equation. First, let's take the inverse tangent (tan^-1) of both sides:

tan^-1(tan(2theta - 34 degrees)) = tan^-1(√3)

Since tan^-1(tan(x)) = x for any real number x, the left side simplifies to:

2theta - 34 degrees = tan^-1(√3)

Step 2: Solve for theta
Now, we can isolate theta by adding 34 degrees to both sides of the equation:

2theta - 34 degrees + 34 degrees = tan^-1(√3) + 34 degrees

Simplifying further:

2theta = tan^-1(√3) + 34 degrees

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for theta:

theta = (tan^-1(√3) + 34 degrees) / 2

Therefore, the solution for theta, within the given range of real numbers of degrees, is:

theta = (tan^-1(√3) + 34 degrees) / 2