1.Estimate 45 x 56 using front-end.

2.Estimate 45 x 56 using rounding.

1. 4 * 5

2. 50 * 50


Estimate 45 and 56 using front-end estimation

1. To estimate 45 x 56 using front-end estimation, you can focus on the front digits of both numbers. In this case, we can look at the tens digit of 45 (4) and the tens digit of 56 (5).

Now, to estimate their product, you simply multiply these two tens digits together: 4 x 5 = 20.

So, the front-end estimate for 45 x 56 would be 20 followed by two zeros. Therefore, an estimated answer would be 2,000.

2. To estimate 45 x 56 using rounding, you can round both numbers to the nearest ten. In this case, 45 rounded to the nearest ten is 50, and 56 rounded to the nearest ten is also 60.

Now, you can multiply these two rounded numbers together: 50 x 60 = 3,000.

So, the estimation for 45 x 56 using rounding would be 3,000.