A car-rental agency charges $38 per day plus $0.21 for each mile driven. Sandra paid $88.40 for renting a car from them for one day. Write an equation to find the number of miles she drove that day.

(88.40 - 38) = 0.21m

Let's denote the number of miles Sandra drove as "m".

According to the information given, the car-rental agency charges $38 per day plus $0.21 for each mile driven.

So, the total cost, C, is given by the equation:

C = $38 (per day) + $0.21 (per mile) * m (number of miles driven)

Since Sandra paid $88.40 for renting the car for one day, we can set up the following equation:

88.40 = 38 + 0.21m

This equation represents the relationship between the total cost and the number of miles driven.

To find the number of miles Sandra drove that day, we can use the equation:

Total Cost = Daily cost + Mileage cost

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Sandra paid $88.40, which is the total cost for renting the car that day.
2. The car-rental agency charges $38 per day, so the daily cost is fixed at $38.
3. Sandra was also charged $0.21 for each mile driven.
4. Let's assume she drove x miles.
5. The mileage cost for x miles would be 0.21x.

Putting it all together, the equation becomes:

Total Cost = Daily cost + Mileage cost
$88.40 = $38 + $0.21x

Now we have the equation to find the number of miles she drove that day:

$88.40 = $38 + $0.21x