I compute (109/3)^1/4 and store that value in A.

Store 3 in P.
Now compute f(7)= Pa^7 by typing:

P x A x^y 7

***My problem is that I don't know WHERE the x^y key is on a TI -83 Plus.
Please help.

Then I have to subtract this answer from the answer using a rounded value of a (which I found to be 1831.)The difference will show the error used by rounding a and will not be zero.

It's just above the ÷ button.


So I punched it in and the calculator reads:

P * A ^ 7

Did I do it correctly?

Yes, I got the same answer.

The best way to check is to use numbers that you know, such as:

On a TI-83 Plus calculator, the x^y key represents the exponentiation operation (raising a number to a power). To find the x^y key, follow these steps:

1. Turn on your TI-83 Plus calculator.
2. Locate the "^" key on the keypad. It is usually located above the "ENTER" key or next to the numerical keypad.
3. Press the number you want to raise to a power, for example, "A".
4. Press the "^" key.
5. Enter the power you want to raise "A" to, in this case, "7".
6. Press the "ENTER" key to calculate the value of "Pa^7".

Now, let's calculate f(7) using the given values:

1. Start with the initial values:
- A = (109/3)^1/4
- P = 3

2. Calculate "Pa^7":
- Press the following keys in sequence: "3", "x", "A", "x^y", "7"
- The calculator will perform the calculation and display the result.

To find the difference between the rounded value of 1831 and the calculated result, follow these steps:

1. Subtract the rounded value from the calculated result:
- Calculate 1831 - (the calculated result from the previous step).
- The difference will show the error introduced by rounding the value of "A".

Note: To round the value of "A" to 1831, you can use the "round" function on your calculator. However, the specifics may vary depending on the calculator model you are using.