Parts of speech,

The patient was brought 1 to the operating room and2 Bier block anesthesia3 was performed.
1 was brough= verb
2 and= conjunction
3 anesthesia= adjective
Are my answers right?

1 and 2 are correct.

Would anesthesia be a noun then?

Yes. Anesthesia is a noun.

You have made a couple of mistakes in identifying the parts of speech in the sentence, but you are on the right track. Let's go through it step by step:

"The patient was brought to the operating room, and Bier block anesthesia was performed."

1) "was brought" - This is the passive voice form of the verb "bring". In this case, it functions as the main verb in the sentence, denoting the action of bringing the patient to the operating room. So "was brought" is correct; however, "brought" is the past participle form of the verb, not the present form.

2) "to" - This is a preposition that indicates movement or direction towards the operating room. It connects the verb "brought" with its object "the operating room".

3) "the" - This is an article that specifies the noun "operating room".

4) "and" - This is indeed a conjunction that connects two phrases or clauses. In this sentence, it links the action of bringing the patient to the operating room with the action of performing Bier block anesthesia.

5) "Bier block" - This refers to a specific type of anesthesia known as the "Bier block". "Bier" is an adjective that modifies the noun "block" to describe the type of anesthesia being performed.

6) "anesthesia" - This is indeed a noun that refers to the state of temporary loss of sensation or another type of sensation. In this sentence, it is the object of the verb "was performed".

So to summarize:

- "was brought" is the past participle form of the verb "bring", functioning as the main verb.
- "to" is a preposition.
- "the" is an article.
- "and" is a conjunction.
- "Bier block" is an adjective phrase.
- "anesthesia" is a noun.

Please note that parts of speech can sometimes be tricky to identify, and slight variations in interpretation may exist. It is crucial to consider the context and meaning to determine the correct part of speech.