The company Acceptance had employees with monthly salaries of $1,700, $1400, $7,000, $1550, and $2,500. Find the median of these salaries.

How do I answer this?

median is the middle number. so put the numbers in descending or ascending order and find the middle number. It would be 1,700

I figured that but I thought I had to do some adding then divide it by two. Idk I think I'm a bit confused. Thank you

When you have an odd number in the set, you take the middle number, as Kelsey said. However, when you have an even number, there are two numbers in the middle. That's when you find the average.

Ah yay! Thanks miss sue!!

You're very welcome, Ruby.

To find the median of the given salaries, follow these steps:

1. Arrange the salaries in ascending order: $1,400, $1,550, $1,700, $2,500, $7,000.

2. Identify the middle value(s) of the arranged salaries. Since there is an odd number of salaries (five in this case), there will be only one middle value.

3. The middle value is the median of the salaries. In this case, the median is $1,700.