Create a method areaOfaTrapeziod when given a, b, and h (all doubles), will return the area (double) of a trapezoid. Use the equation pictured below

In the code, i should
1. Create the prototype for the method
2. create the method
3. call it from the main()

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Here's the answer to you original question:

Sure! Here's how you can create the `areaOfaTrapezoid` method:

1. Create the prototype for the method:
public static double areaOfaTrapezoid(double a, double b, double h);

2. Create the method:
public static double areaOfaTrapezoid(double a, double b, double h) {
double area = 0.5 * (a + b) * h;
return area;

3. Call it from the `main()` method:
public static void main(String[] args) {
double side1 = 4.5;
double side2 = 7.2;
double height = 3.5;

double area = areaOfaTrapezoid(side1, side2, height);
System.out.println("The area of the trapezoid is: " + area);

In this example, we have created a method named `areaOfaTrapezoid` that takes three double parameters - `a`, `b`, and `h` - representing the lengths of the two parallel sides and the height of the trapezoid, respectively.

Inside the method, we calculate the area using the formula (0.5 * (a + b) * h) and store it in a variable called `area`. Finally, we return the calculated area to the caller.

In the `main()` method, we initialize the variables `side1`, `side2`, and `height` with their respective values. Then, we call the `areaOfaTrapezoid` method, passing these variables as arguments. The returned value is stored in the `area` variable, and we print it to the console.