The testing company has hired qualified people in the field to administer the new test bank to subjects of different ages and ethnic backgrounds. They need a sizable number of scores from inner city, urban, and country/small town subjects. Their goal is to gather sufficient data for test: (Points: 5)


What are your other choices?

They want it to be representative of the population?

To gather sufficient data for test validity, the testing company needs to administer the new test bank to subjects of different ages and ethnic backgrounds from inner city, urban, and country/small town areas. Here's how they can go about it:

1. Determine the sample size: The testing company needs to decide on the number of subjects they want to include in their study. This number should be large enough to ensure statistical significance and representativeness of the population they are targeting.

2. Identify the target population: The company needs to define the specific characteristics they want to study, such as age and ethnic background. In this case, they are interested in subjects from different ages and ethnic backgrounds, including those from inner city, urban, and country/small town areas.

3. Recruitment and selection: To reach the desired sample size, the company should develop a recruitment strategy. They can consider various methods like random sampling, stratified sampling (ensuring representation from each target group), or convenience sampling (including subjects readily available).

4. Ethics and informed consent: It is essential to ensure that subjects are informed about the purpose of the test and their role in the study. Ethics guidelines should be followed, including obtaining informed consent from the participants and ensuring their privacy and confidentiality.

5. Test administration: Qualified people in the field should be hired to administer the test bank to the selected subjects. They should be trained and have the necessary expertise to ensure accurate and standardized administration.

6. Data collection: The company needs to collect scores from the administered tests. This can be done through careful record-keeping, ensuring accuracy and completeness of the data.

7. Data analysis: With the collected scores, the testing company can analyze the data to determine the test's validity. They may employ statistical techniques like correlation analysis, factor analysis, or regression analysis to assess the relationship between test scores and the intended construct being measured.

By following these steps, the testing company can gather a sizable number of scores from subjects of different ages and ethnic backgrounds, enabling them to assess the validity of their test bank.