What would be some good questions to ask high school students about bullying?

I have to make surveys and hand them out to students in classrooms.

What's the purpose of this survey?

What do you want to learn from this survey?

What people are doing to stop bullying and to see how many people are being bullied.


What questions can you ask that will provide this information?

When creating surveys to gather information about bullying from high school students, it's crucial to ask questions that are unbiased, clear, and specific. Here are some suggested questions that you can include in your survey:

1. Have you witnessed any form of bullying within your school environment? (Yes/No)
- This question establishes a baseline to understand how prevalent bullying may be in the school.

2. In your opinion, what forms of bullying are most common in our school? (Open-ended response)
- This question encourages students to share their perspective on different types of bullying they observe.

3. How do you think bullying affects the overall atmosphere within our school? (Multiple choice with options such as: negative, neutral, positive)
- This question aims to gauge the perceived impact of bullying on the school's environment.

4. Are you aware of any anti-bullying policies or programs implemented in our school? (Yes/No)
- This question assesses students' knowledge of the existing measures in place to address bullying.

5. Have you ever been personally bullied? (Yes/No)
- This question helps identify students who have experienced bullying first-hand.

6. If you have been bullied, what actions have you taken in response? (Multiple choice with options like: reported to a teacher, ignored it, stood up for myself, etc.)
- This question allows students to disclose the actions they have taken when faced with bullying.

7. Do you feel comfortable reporting incidents of bullying to school authorities? (Multiple choice with options like: yes, no, unsure)
- This question aims to gauge students' comfort levels in seeking help when dealing with bullying.

8. In your opinion, what could be done to address and prevent bullying more effectively in our school? (Open-ended response)
- This question invites students to provide their suggestions and ideas to combat bullying.

Remember to keep the survey anonymous to encourage honest participation. Additionally, it is vital to obtain permission from the school administration and follow any guidelines they may have in place.