The secret number has a 7 in the ones place, The tens number is an odd number

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To find the secret number, we know that it has a 7 in the ones place and the tens number is an odd number.

To determine the tens number, we need to consider odd numbers. Odd numbers are integers that are not divisible evenly by 2, meaning they leave a remainder of 1 when divided by 2. Examples of odd numbers are 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on.

Since the tens number is an odd number, we can start by trying different possibilities to see which one fits. Let's consider the odd numbers one by one.

First, we can try the number 1 as the tens number. If the tens number is 1, the secret number would look like this: __1. However, this does not fulfill the condition that the ones place has a 7, so the tens number cannot be 1.

Next, we can try the number 3 as the tens number. If the tens number is 3, the secret number would look like this: __3. Again, this does not satisfy the condition that the ones place has a 7, so the tens number cannot be 3.

Then, we can try the number 5 as the tens number. If the tens number is 5, the secret number would look like this: __5. Similarly, this does not fulfill the condition that the ones place has a 7, so the tens number cannot be 5.

Finally, we can try the number 7 as the tens number. If the tens number is 7, the secret number would look like this: __7. This does meet the condition that the ones place has a 7.

So, based on the given information, the secret number has a 7 in the ones place and the tens number is 7. Therefore, the secret number is 77.