Howard leaves the dock and sails 2.5miles west He turns south and sails 3.5 Then he turns east and sails 2.5 miles In what direction should howard turn if he wants to use the most direct route to return to the dock ? If Howard use this route ,how many miles will he hv sailed in all

tan^-1 3.5/2.5 = 54.5 degrees north of east

Miles traveled
= 2.5 + 3.5 + sqrt[(2.5)^2 + (3.5)^2]
= 10.301 miles


To find the direction that Howard should turn to take the most direct route back to the dock, we need to analyze his movements. Let's break down the information:

1. Howard sails 2.5 miles west.
2. He then turns south and sails 3.5 miles.
3. Finally, he turns east and sails 2.5 miles.

Since Howard wants to return to the dock by taking the most direct route, he should turn north. This will be the opposite direction of the previous southward turn.

To calculate the total distance sailed by Howard, we can add up the distances he sailed in each direction:

Distance traveled westward = 2.5 miles
Distance traveled southward = 3.5 miles
Distance traveled eastward = 2.5 miles

Total distance traveled = 2.5 + 3.5 + 2.5 = 8.5 miles

Therefore, if Howard uses this route, he will have sailed a total of 8.5 miles.