Billy is a carpenter who earns $15 per hour. He works 8 hours per day, Monday through Friday. How much does Billy earn in one week?

Looks like a 40 hour week. Multiply that by the hourly wage.


1 hour=15



To calculate how much Billy earns in one week, we need to multiply the number of hours he works in a day by the number of days he works in a week, and then multiply that by his hourly rate.

First, we find the total number of hours worked in a week:
Billy works 8 hours per day, Monday through Friday.
The total number of days he works in a week is 5 (Monday to Friday).
So, the total number of hours worked in a week is 8 hours/day * 5 days/week = 40 hours.

Now, we calculate how much Billy earns in one week:
Billy earns $15 per hour.
The total number of hours worked in a week is 40 hours.
So, Billy earns 40 hours * $15/hour = $600 in one week.

Therefore, Billy earns $600 in one week.