Using Newton's method, approximate the root of the equation x^3+x+2=0 with the initial guess x1=-1 gives: x2=? and x3=? answers are not 0 or -1

let f(x) = y = x^3 + x +2

dy/dx = 3x^2 + 1

newton's formula

x new = x old - f(xold/f '(xold)

x2 = -1 - (-1-1+2)/(3+1) = 1-0 = -1

since x1 = x1 exactly, x = -1 is a root

Check for typo's in the question.

I believe there is only one real root for the given equation at -1.

So your initial guesses have to be complex, such as 1+i. Convergence will depend on the form of the iteration equation.
You can try
and all kinds of other ones.
The one that seems to converge best is
first make
divide by x and take the square root to get
With a starting value of 1+i, ou should converge quite well, as the iterations alternate between the targeted root of (1/2)±sqrt(7)/2.

Once you have converged to one, you can take the conjugate for the other, without having to do the same things all over again.

the targeted root of (1/2)±sqrt(7)/2i.

My last line should say:

since x2 = x1 exactly, x = -1 is a root

I'll get it right this time!

the targeted root of (1/2)±isqrt(7)/2.

To approximate the root of the equation using Newton's method, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with an initial guess for the root. In this case, the given initial guess is x1 = -1.

Step 2: Calculate the derivative of the equation with respect to x. In this case, the derivative of f(x) = x^3 + x + 2 is f'(x) = 3x^2 + 1.

Step 3: Use the initial guess and the derivative value to calculate the next approximation using the formula:

x2 = x1 - (f(x1) / f'(x1))

Step 4: Repeat the process to find x3 using the formula:

x3 = x2 - (f(x2) / f'(x2))

Now, let's apply these steps to find x2 and x3.

Step 1: Given initial guess x1 = -1

Step 2: Calculate the derivative f'(x) = 3x^2 + 1

Step 3: Calculate x2 using the formula:

x2 = x1 - (f(x1) / f'(x1))

Substituting the values:

x2 = -1 - ((-1^3 + -1 + 2) / (3*(-1)^2 + 1))
= -1 - ((-2) / 4)
= -1 + 0.5
= -0.5

Step 4: Calculate x3 using the formula:

x3 = x2 - (f(x2) / f'(x2))

Substituting the values:

x3 = -0.5 - ((-0.5^3 + -0.5 + 2) / (3*(-0.5)^2 + 1))

To calculate this expression, you would substitute the values and perform the calculations. The result will be the approximation for x3.

Note: Newton's method is an iterative process, which means you can continue these steps to get better approximations as long as the calculations don't result in zero or -1.