wich number is bigger 1.0 or 0.95

in decimals

Which is more money?

$1.00 or $0.95?

wich number is bigger -1/5 or -3/7?



To determine which number is bigger, 1.0 or 0.95, you can compare the two decimal numbers.

In this case, you can visually compare the numbers and see that 1.0 is greater than 0.95. The additional zero after the decimal point makes 1.0 a larger number than 0.95.

In general, when comparing decimal numbers, you compare the digits after the decimal point from left to right. The larger the digit, the bigger the value of the number. If the digits are the same, you move on to the next digit until you find a difference.

In this specific case, you can see that 1.0 is greater than 0.95, as 1 is larger than 0 in the whole number part, and there is no need to compare the decimal part further.