find equations of the tangent lines to the curve y=(x-48)/(x+48) that are parallel to the line y=6x+6

slope = dy/dx of line = 6

what is slope of curve?
dy/dx =[(x+48)(1)-(x-48)(1)]/ (x+48)^2
= 96 / (x+48)^2
when is that 6?
6(x+48)^2 = 96
(x^2 + 96 x + 2304) = 16
x^2 + 96 x + 2288 = 0
(x+44)(x+52) = 0
x = -44 or x = - 52 when the slope is 6
so find y when x = -44 and when x = -52 and find the lines through those points with m = 6