I missed the movie "An Inconvenient Truth", and now I have to answer questions about it. Does anyone know what is said about the Kyoto Protocol in that movie? Thank y'all very much.

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You may need to borrow or rent the DVD of this film.

To find out what is said about the Kyoto Protocol in the movie "An Inconvenient Truth," you have a few options:

1. Watch the movie: The first and most straightforward option is to watch the movie yourself. "An Inconvenient Truth" is a documentary film presented by former United States Vice President Al Gore, in which he discusses the dangers of climate change. The movie specifically addresses the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Read a summary or synopsis: If you are unable to watch the movie, you can find summaries or synopses online. Many reputable websites provide detailed summaries of the film, including the specific sections where the Kyoto Protocol is mentioned. However, keep in mind that reading summaries might not provide the same level of depth and understanding as watching the film firsthand.

3. Consult reviews or discussions: In addition to summaries, you can also seek out reviews or discussions about the film. Film critics and viewers often share their perspectives and analyze the content of movies, including the information presented about certain topics. This approach can give you insights from different viewpoints.

Remember, while seeking information from others can be helpful, it's essential to critically evaluate the sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.