I really need help i am so confued !!

use the crossover values given to calculate the sequence and the distance apart of the genes indicated

P-m 7%

K-m 28%

P-K 21%

m-C 5%

To calculate the sequence and distance apart of the genes indicated using crossover values, we need to understand a concept called genetic linkage. Genetic linkage refers to the tendency of genes located close together on a chromosome to be inherited together.

Let's go step by step to calculate the sequence and distance apart of the genes:

Step 1: Identify the genes and their crossover values:
- The genes mentioned are P, K, M, and C.
- The crossover values given are P-m (7%), K-m (28%), P-K (21%), and M-C (5%).

Step 2: Determine the gene sequence:
To determine the gene sequence based on the given crossover values, we need to arrange the genes in the order that minimizes the crossover values.

Start with the gene that has the lowest crossover value. In this case, the M-C crossover value is 5%, which is the lowest one. So, we can conclude that M is closest to C.

The remaining genes are P and K. We have two crossover values: P-m (7%) and P-K (21%). The P-m crossover value is lower, so we can conclude that P is closest to M. Thus, the sequence so far is: P-M-C.

Finally, we place K at the end since it has the highest crossover value compared to the others. The final gene sequence based on the given crossover values is: P-M-C-K.

Step 3: Calculate the distance apart of the genes:
To calculate the distance apart of the genes, we sum the crossover values between adjacent genes.

The distance between P and M is 7%, the distance between M and C is 5%, and the distance between C and K is not given. However, we know that the sum of pairwise distances (P-M, M-C, C-K) should be equal to the P-K crossover value (21%).

Let's denote the distance between C and K as x. Therefore, we have the equation: 7% + 5% + x = 21%.

Solving this equation, we subtract 12% (7% + 5%) from both sides: x = 21% - 12% = 9%.

So, the distance between C and K is 9%.

In summary, the gene sequence is P-M-C-K, and the distance between each pair of genes is as follows:
- P-M: 7%
- M-C: 5%
- C-K: 9%