Graph the line! y=5x+2

the plot point that i came up with are

is this correct?

(0,2) is correct

it is (2,12) not (2,8)

Thanks, I was close! I'm not that good with plotting graphs.

To check if the plot points are correct for the line y = 5x + 2, we can substitute the x-coordinate of each point into the equation and see if the resulting y-coordinate matches.

Let's check the first point (0, 2):
Substituting x = 0 into the equation, we have:
y = 5(0) + 2
y = 0 + 2
y = 2

Since the y-coordinate matches with the given point (0, 2), it is correct.

Now let's check the second point (2, 8):
Substituting x = 2 into the equation, we have:
y = 5(2) + 2
y = 10 + 2
y = 12

Since the y-coordinate does not match with the given point (2, 8), it indicates that there might be an error in plotting the point.

Let's find the correct y-coordinate for the given x = 2:
y = 5(2) + 2
y = 10 + 2
y = 12

The correct y-coordinate for x = 2 should be 12, not 8.

Therefore, the correct plot points for the line y = 5x + 2 are (0, 2) and (2, 12), not (2, 8).