put in order least to greatest 2/5 4/8 6/7 3/4

2/5 = 0.40

4/8 = 0.50
6/7 = 0.857
3/4 = 0.75

What order do you think you should put these decimals?

Hint: think money.

Order these integers from least to greatest.

-2, 4, -17, 40, -86-2, 4, -17, 40, -86

To put the fractions in order from least to greatest, we can convert them to decimals:

2/5 = 0.4
4/8 = 0.5 (simplified to 1/2)
6/7 ≈ 0.857 (rounded to three decimal places)
3/4 = 0.75

Putting them in order from least to greatest:

0.4, 0.5 (1/2), 0.75, 0.857

To put the fractions 2/5, 4/8, 6/7, and 3/4 in order from least to greatest, you can use a common denominator to compare them. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Find a common denominator for all the fractions. The easiest way to do this is by finding the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators. The denominators in this case are 5, 8, 7, and 4. The LCM of these numbers is 280.

Step 2: Convert each fraction to have the common denominator of 280. To do this, multiply the numerator and denominator of each fraction by the appropriate factor to get the desired denominator of 280.

2/5 becomes 112/280, (since 112 = 2 * 56 and 280 = 5 * 56)
4/8 becomes 35/280, (since 35 = 4 * 7 and 280 = 8 * 35)
6/7 remains the same.
3/4 becomes 210/280, (since 210 = 3 * 70 and 280 = 4 * 70)

Step 3: Now that all the fractions have the same denominator, you can compare their numerators to determine their order.

The fractions in order from least to greatest are:
35/280 (4/8)
112/280 (2/5)
210/280 (3/4)

Step 4: Simplify the fractions (if possible). In this case, you can simplify 35/280 to 1/8 and 210/280 to 3/4.

The final order from least to greatest is:
1/8 (4/8)