Divide and simplify

6a+18/a-3 divide by a+3/a-4

I got 6a-24/a-3

Looks good to me, but some parentheses would make it clearer.

lisa can shovel the drive way in 35 minutes john the same driveway in 45 how long will it a\take3e them together?

To divide and simplify the expression (6a+18)/(a-3) divided by (a+3)/(a-4), follow these steps:

Step 1: Invert the second fraction.
Take the reciprocal of the second fraction, which means swapping the numerator and the denominator.
So, the expression becomes (6a+18)/(a-3) multiplied by (a-4)/(a+3).

Step 2: Apply the division rule.
When dividing fractions, we can simplify by multiplying the numerator of the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

Thus, the expression simplifies to [(6a+18)(a-4)] / [(a-3)(a+3)].

Step 3: Simplify further, if possible.
Apply the distributive property and simplify the numerator and denominator by multiplying the terms.

The numerator is expanded as (6a^2 - 12a + 18a - 72), which simplifies to (6a^2 + 6a - 72).

The denominator remains as (a^2 - 9), because (a-3)(a+3) is equal to a^2 - 9 (applying the difference of squares rule).

Therefore, the expression simplifies to (6a^2 + 6a - 72)/(a^2 - 9).