I need some help determining the elements and principles of an art piece called "Polly, Minou and Eon" by Will Barnet


This one?


Which of these terms can you use to describe what you see in that painting?

Thanks for the websites, I have a worksheet of a list of all the elements and principles, but i am still struggling as to which elements and which principles apply to this painting..any suggestions?

Please refer to your later post, which I saw first and answered.


To determine the elements and principles of an art piece called "Polly, Minou, and Eon" by Will Barnet, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the Artist: Start by learning about the artist, Will Barnet. Research his background, art style, and any themes or concepts he is known for. Understanding the artist's background can give you insights into their artistic choices.

2. Observe the Artwork: Take a close look at the art piece "Polly, Minou, and Eon." Pay attention to the various visual elements present in the artwork. These elements include:

- Line: Observe the types of lines used in the artwork. Are they straight or curved? Thick or thin? Deliberate or gestural?

- Shape and Form: Identify the shapes or forms present in the artwork. Are they organic or geometric? Three-dimensional or two-dimensional?

- Color: Note the colors used in the artwork. Are they vibrant or muted? Warm or cool? Do they contribute to the overall mood or atmosphere?

- Texture: Determine if there is any texture depicted in the artwork. Is it smooth, rough, or somewhere in between?

- Space: Evaluate how the artist has used space in the composition. Is there a sense of depth or perspective? Is the space crowded or minimal?

3. Identify the Subject Matter: Look closely at the subject matter depicted in the artwork. Determine what is being portrayed, such as people, animals, or objects. Note any symbolism or narrative elements present.

4. Analyze the Composition: Consider the arrangement and organization of the elements within the artwork. Look for principles of design, including:

- Balance: Identify if the artwork is balanced symmetrically or asymmetrically. Are the visual elements evenly distributed?

- Rhythm: Determine if there is a sense of rhythm or repetition in the artwork. Are there recurring shapes, colors, or lines?

- Proportion: Evaluate the relative size and scale of the elements within the artwork. Do they create a sense of harmony or discord?

- Unity: Assess how all the elements come together to create a unified whole. Is there a cohesive visual theme or concept?

- Contrast: Look for areas of contrast, such as light versus dark, or smooth versus textured. How do these contrasts contribute to the overall impact of the artwork?

5. Interpretation: Consider the artist's intention and the message or emotions you believe the artwork conveys. Explore any possible cultural or historical references that might be relevant.

By following these steps, you can analyze the elements (line, shape, color, texture, space) and principles (balance, rhythm, proportion, unity, contrast) present in the artwork "Polly, Minou, and Eon" by Will Barnet, and develop a deeper understanding of the piece.