
How do I solve?

That's not an equation. What do you need to solve?

sorry it is q+5/q=-6

To solve the equation 9 + 5/9 = -6, you need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

1. Look for any parentheses or grouping symbols in the equation. In this case, there are none, so we move to the next step.

2. Evaluate any exponents. Again, there are no exponents in this equation.

3. Next, perform any multiplication or division from left to right. In this case, we have division. So, we divide 5 by 9, which gives us approximately 0.5556.

4. Now we rewrite the equation with the value we obtained from the division:

9 + 0.5556 = -6

5. Lastly, perform any addition or subtraction from left to right. In this case, we have addition. So, we add 9 and 0.5556:

9 + 0.5556 = 9.5556

Therefore, the equation 9 + 5/9 = -6 does not hold true. The correct result is 9.5556, not -6.