What is square root for 25/4+1/2

Please help me

√(25/4 + 1/2)

= √(25/4 + 2/4)
= √27/4
= √27 /2

or did you want √(25/4) + 1/2
which would be
5/2 + 1/2 = 3

Ok do you know how to do this one square root of 100/25

Please help

To find the square root of a fraction, you need to find the square root of the numerator and the square root of the denominator separately. Then, divide the square roots of the numerator and denominator.

Let's solve it step by step:

First, let's simplify the given fraction:
25/4 + 1/2 = 6.25 + 0.5 = 6.75

Now, let's find the square root of 6.75:

1. Begin by estimating: The nearest perfect squares to 6.75 are 4 and 9. Since 6.75 is closer to 4, let's start with the square root of 4.

2. Divide 6.75 by 4: 6.75/4 = 1.69

3. Next, find the average of 4 and 1.69: (4 + 1.69)/2 = 2.845

4. Repeat step 2 using the average (2.845) as the new estimate.

6.75/2.845 ≈ 2.371

5. Continue this process of averaging and dividing until you reach the desired level of accuracy. Following the same steps several more times, we find:

6.75/2.360 ≈ 2.863
6.75/2.363 ≈ 2.860
6.75/2.363 ≈ 2.860 ...

After a few iterations, we can round off the last result after decimal places to get the approximate square root.

Hence, the square root of 25/4 + 1/2 ≈ 2.860.