It may be difficult to sooth a crying baby who needs to be fed and changed with Cuddling and toys. The strength of the physical needs in this situation support:

a.secondary drive approach theory
b.the incentive approach to motivation
c.Maslow’s hierarch of needs
d.The level of arousal approach to

I think its either B or D?

I disagree.'s_hierarchy_of_needs

oh ok so its C!


You're welcome.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and their definitions:

a. Secondary drive approach theory: This theory suggests that motivated behavior is driven by secondary biological drives, such as the need for food, water, and sleep.

b. The incentive approach to motivation: This approach emphasizes how external rewards and incentives influence behavior.

c. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: This theory suggests that individuals are motivated to fulfill a hierarchy of needs, starting with basic physiological needs (like food, water, and sleep) and progressing to higher-level needs like love, esteem, and self-actualization.

d. The level of arousal approach to motivation: This approach focuses on the idea that individuals are motivated to maintain an optimal level of arousal, seeking stimulation when they are under-aroused and seeking relaxation when they are over-aroused.

In the scenario you mentioned, a crying baby who needs to be fed and changed, the most relevant theory is Maslow's hierarchy of needs (option c). The baby's crying likely indicates that their basic physiological needs, such as hunger and discomfort, are not being met. According to Maslow's theory, these are primary motivations that must be satisfied before the baby can progress to other needs, like social interaction or play with toys.

So, the correct answer is c. Maslow's hierarchy of needs.