Please show me the correct way to punctuate the following or did I do it correctly:

You can't pull my strings.
I'm breaking away starting today.

The apostrophes are used correctly.

I'd rephrase the second sentence:
Starting today, I'm breaking away.

"Maybe we should wait to begin until everyone is seated," Ana said to her band mates.

To determine if you punctuated the sentences correctly, let's examine them one by one.

First sentence: "You can't pull my strings."

In this sentence, you correctly used a period at the end. It is a declarative statement, and a period is the appropriate punctuation mark to indicate the end of a sentence.

Second sentence: "I'm breaking away starting today."

In this sentence, you used a period at the end. However, if you wanted to connect the two thoughts more closely, you could use a comma instead of a period. It would then become: "I'm breaking away, starting today." This change indicates that the second part of the sentence is closely related to the first part.

So, you punctuated the first sentence correctly, and the second sentence can be modified to enhance the connection between the two thoughts by using a comma.

Remember, punctuation guides the reader's understanding and helps convey the intended meaning of your writing.