if it is 1 am at 105 degrees west what time will it be at 23 degrees west


23 degrees west goes through the eastern part of Greenland.

105 degrees west goes through Kansas and western Texas.


To find out the time difference between two locations given their longitudes, we need to consider that each degree of longitude represents 4 minutes of time difference.

Step 1: Calculate the time difference between the two longitudes.
The time difference is given by the formula: (longitude2 - longitude1) × 4 minutes.

Time difference = (23 degrees - 105 degrees) × 4 minutes.

Step 2: Calculate the conversion of minutes to hours.
To convert minutes into hours, divide the total minutes by 60.

Time difference in hours = Time difference / 60.

Step 3: Subtract or add the calculated time difference from the initial time of 1 am.

If the time difference is positive, the resulting time will be later than 1 am.
If the time difference is negative, the resulting time will be earlier than 1 am.

Let's calculate the time difference:

Time difference = (23 - 105) × 4 minutes
= (-82) × 4 minutes
= -328 minutes

Converting minutes to hours:

Time difference in hours = -328 / 60
≈ -5.47 hours

Adding the time difference to the initial time of 1 am:

Resulting time = 1 am + (-5.47) hours
≈ 7:17 pm

To determine the time difference between two longitudes, you need to know the concept of time zones. Generally, each time zone represents a 15-degree difference in longitude.

To calculate the time difference between 105 degrees west and 23 degrees west, you first need to determine how many time zones apart they are.

Step 1: Convert the longitudes into time zones
105 degrees west / 15 degrees per time zone = 7 time zones (rounded down)
23 degrees west / 15 degrees per time zone = 1 time zone (rounded down)

Step 2: Calculate the time difference
Since there are 24 hours in a day and 1 time zone represents 1 hour, you can conclude that each time zone corresponds to a 1-hour time difference.

7 time zones * 1 hour per time zone = 7 hours
1 time zone * 1 hour per time zone = 1 hour

Therefore, the time difference between 105 degrees west and 23 degrees west is 7 hours.

If it is currently 1 am at 105 degrees west, you need to add 7 hours to determine the time at 23 degrees west.

1 am + 7 hours = 8 am

So, if it is 1 am at 105 degrees west, it will be 8 am at 23 degrees west.