A group of parents is going to sell specialty coffee drinks including espresso, lattes, cappuccinos and mochas. It cost $250 to rent the equipment, which is a fixed cost. Additionally, the ingredients for each drink (x) cost $0.25. Write an equation that shows the total cost to make specialty coffee drinks.

cost = 250 + 0.25x

To calculate the total cost to make specialty coffee drinks, we need to consider both the fixed cost (equipment rental) and the variable cost (ingredient cost per drink). Let's set up the equation.

- The total cost to make specialty coffee drinks be represented by C.
- The fixed cost of equipment rental be $250.
- The cost of ingredients per drink be $0.25.
- The number of specialty coffee drinks made be represented by x.

The fixed cost remains the same, so it doesn't depend on the number of drinks made. Hence, we only need to consider the variable cost. The variable cost depends on the number of drinks made. For each drink, the cost is $0.25.

The equation for the total cost to make specialty coffee drinks can be written as:

C = Fixed Cost + Variable Cost
C = $250 + ($0.25 * x)

So, the equation that shows the total cost to make specialty coffee drinks is:

C = $250 + ($0.25 * x)