1) For a walkathon a sponsor commmited to give you a flat ffe of $5 plus $2 for every mile you walk. Write an expression for the total amount you will collect from your sponsor at the enf of the walkathon. Then evaluate your =expression for 20 miles walked.

I goet ; $2m + $5 = total amt collected.
$2 (20) + $5 = $45.00

2) to win the neighborhood tomatogrowing contest john needs for his tomator plants to produce 8 tomatoes per wwk. he needs 30 tomatoes to win the contest. He already has 6 tomatoes. Write and solve an equation to find the number of weeks he needs to produce 30 tomatoes.
im not sure on this.
I wrote:
8(p) - 6 = weeks
8 (5) -6 = 34
5 weeks is answer?

#1, correct

#2, I think 3 weeks will do it.
What is 3x8 + the 6 he alsready has = 24+6 = 30

5 weeks would give him 46 tomatoes, way more than he needs

1) The expression for the total amount you will collect from your sponsor at the end of the walkathon is: $2m + $5, where 'm' represents the number of miles you walk. So, for 20 miles walked, you can evaluate the expression as follows:

$2(20) + $5 = $40 + $5 = $45

Therefore, the total amount you will collect from your sponsor for walking 20 miles is $45.

2) To find the number of weeks John needs to produce 30 tomatoes, we can set up an equation based on the information given. Let's use 'w' to represent the number of weeks:

8w - 6 = 30

To solve this equation, we first add 6 to both sides to isolate the term with 'w':

8w = 36

Then, we divide both sides by 8 to solve for 'w':

w = 36 / 8

w = 4.5

Since we cannot have a fraction of a week, we round up to the nearest whole number. Therefore, John needs 5 weeks to produce 30 tomatoes.