an end-of -the season sale for winter clothes advertise 30%-45% off the orginal peice. what was the highest original price of a jersey that is now on sale for $12.99. Give your answer as a deciaml rounded to the hundreths place.

.55x = 12.99

Solve for x.

is the answer $23.62??

To determine the highest original price of a jersey, given that it is on sale for $12.99 with a discount of 30%-45%, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Calculate the highest possible discount.
To find the highest possible discount, take the upper end of the discount range (45%) and subtract it from 100% (100 - 45 = 55).

Step 2: Calculate the sale price before the discount.
Divide the sale price after the discount ($12.99) by 1 minus the highest possible discount of 55% (1 - 0.55 = 0.45).

$12.99 รท 0.45 = $28.87 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Therefore, the highest original price of the jersey would be approximately $28.87.