Lab 1.1

Can somebody please, please help me with this lab?! I know it requires sketching and modeling which only i can do , but please, any help will be appreciated. I find these labs so hard to do, but my teacher said there's no alternative assignment and I HAVE to do them. Please help me

Activity 1A-Design Problem
Background: Technology is the application of knowledge to create machines, materials, or systems to help us make work easier, to make life more comfortable, or to help control the natural or human-made environment.

Situation: The Easy-Play Game Company has developed a new board game for two players. The game uses five red marbles and five green marbles as the playing pieces. They find that counting out the marbles one by one is too costly.

Challenge: design a technological device (machine) that will count five marbles at a time from a box containing a large number of marbles.

1. Restate the SITUATION in your own words, being sure to include all of the facts provided in the SITUATION statement. State a clear explanation of the problem you intend to solve.

The Easy-Play Game Company has created a new board game that requires counting out five red marbles and five green marbles as playing pieces. However, manually counting out each marble is costly and time-consuming. The challenge is to design a machine that can efficiently count five marbles at a time from a box containing a large number of marbles. In other words, the problem to solve is to create a technological device that automates the counting process and makes it easier and more cost-effective.