An Asin Parent may not emulate the early childhod teacher's practice of praising her son for his assomplishments because: A. Praising the child might bring him bad luck

B. The parent believes that absence of criticism is itself an appropriate form of praise. C. the child does now wish to be singled out D. No one has explained to her the positive benefits of this mainstream teaching strategy.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the given options and determine which one provides a plausible reason why an Asian parent may not emulate the early childhood teacher's practice of praising her son for his accomplishments.

A. Praising the child might bring him bad luck: This option suggests a belief that praising the child could have negative consequences. However, this reason is based on superstition and does not provide a culturally specific motivation.

B. The parent believes that absence of criticism is itself an appropriate form of praise: This option suggests that the parent believes that not criticizing the child is enough to show approval and support. Although this is a plausible reason, it may not be specific to Asian parents only.

C. The child does not wish to be singled out: This option suggests that the child himself does not want to be praised or receive special attention. This reason focuses on the preferences of the child rather than the parent's cultural background.

D. No one has explained to her the positive benefits of this mainstream teaching strategy: This option suggests that the Asian parent may not be aware of the positive outcomes associated with praising children for their accomplishments. This lack of knowledge could lead the parent to deviate from the mainstream teaching strategy.

Of these options, option D seems to be the most culturally specific and relevant to an Asian parent's behavior. It highlights a lack of understanding about the positive benefits of praising children, which may contribute to the parent not emulating the teacher's practice.

Therefore, the correct answer would be option D.