You and your friend are both knitting scarves for charity. You knit 8 rows each minute and already have knitted 10 rows.Your friend knits 5 rows each minute and has already knitted 19 rows. When will you both have knitted the same number of rows?

How do I set up this word problem??

first represent the unknown using variable:

let x = time required so that they will have the same number of rows.
recall that rate = quantity/time, or quantity = rate*time
in this problem, quantity refers to number of rows knitted.
to set-up the equation, what we only know is that at this particular time, x, their quantities must be equal. thus we add for both number of rows they initially knitted and their rate times the required time, or:
quantity (of you) = quantity (of friend)
10 + 8x = 19 + 5x

hope this helps~ :)


To set up this word problem, we can use a system of equations to represent the number of rows knitted by you and your friend as a function of time. Let's denote the number of minutes passed as 't', and the total number of rows knitted by you and your friend as 's' (since we want to find when they have knitted the same number of rows).

For you:
Number of rows knitted by you = Number of rows knitted per minute x Number of minutes passed
=> RowsYou = 8t

For your friend:
Number of rows knitted by your friend = Number of rows knitted per minute x Number of minutes passed
=> RowsFriend = 5t

Since we want to find when you both have knitted the same number of rows, we set RowsYou equal to RowsFriend and solve for 't':

8t = 5t

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of 't' when you both have knitted the same number of rows.

To set up this word problem, we need to establish a variable to represent the number of minutes it takes for both you and your friend to knit the same number of rows. Let's call this variable "x".

Given that you knit 8 rows each minute and have already knitted 10 rows, your progress can be represented by the equation "8x + 10".

Similarly, your friend knits 5 rows each minute and has already knitted 19 rows, so their progress can be represented by the equation "5x + 19".

To find when you both have knitted the same number of rows, we need to set up an equation by setting both expressions equal to each other:

8x + 10 = 5x + 19

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of "x" when you both have knitted the same number of rows.